Sunday 15 April 2012

Perran Sands

With the weather fairing better than I expected today, the dog staring at her lead longingly and the missus having her cleaning head on, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to get out for a walk and at the same time hopefully remove the fuzzyness i was still feeling due to last-nights frivolities.  I decided to take Tikka for a walk around Perran Sands and hopefully i might catch sight of the little warbler i saw a few days earlier and determine if it was a Grasshopper Warbler but with a streaked breast or something much rarer and who knows maybe hear/see a cuckoo, which i have seen and heard on several occasions over the past few years. Arriving at Perran i was surprised by the huge numbers of Swallows and housemartins hawking around the place, they were everywhere, unlike a few days earlier, while Tikkas attention was immediately taken up by a couple of rabbits grazing near some Gorse. Wheatear numbers had also appeared to have increased greatly over the last week.  Unfortunately though, i never got to see the little warbler i'd previously seen and never got to see or even hear a cuckoo, but there were plenty of  other wildlife on show such as Stonechats, Skylarks, Magpies, Dunnocks, finches etc and a few Buzzards and a kestrel, as well as Tiger Beetles and Speckled Wood butterflies.  Although i never got to see the species i was hoping to see it was still great to see the other wildlife on show and the dog loved the space and freedom, the missus got the kitchen cleaned in peace and my hangover was eased a little, so all in all a good day all round. Oh and Man Utd won 4-0 :)
                                                      Perran Sands
