Sunday 15 September 2013

HTC Sensation mobile photo's

Being sat at home feeling quiet board today i decided to scroll through the photo's i had on my mobile, which i have to admit are predominantly wildlife photo's and not of family and friends as most peoples are.  Ok i say wildlife photo's but what i mean is invertebrates and not photo's of sprinting cheetahs or close-up aerial photo's of raptors etc, but what do you expect from a mobile phone. When ever i choose a new mobile i always look for one that has a good camera built in it and my latest phone (although i have had it 18 months already) i have to say does produce pretty good photo's and i especially like the macro function that allows me to get some good clear close-up shots. Don't get me wrong i am not saying i am a good or professional photographer (far from it) i just like taking photo's of wildlife and i must say that i really like the results my HTC Sensation produces and thought i would share a selection to show the results it produces.

 Common Blue on Thyme
 6 Spot Burnet on Thyme
 Red Admiral on Red Valerian
 The Wall butterfly
 Common Toad

 August Herald
Early Thorn
Female Common Darter 
Large Red Damselfly 
Migrant Hawker 

Nobilis odermera on bindweed 
Peregrine Falcon 
Haz bodyboarding 
Liam on Crantock Beach 
Backwash at Towan Beach 
Little Fistral early evening