Monday 21 February 2011

5 Years of Observations at Work

Over the last 5 years at work whilst carrying out my day to day duties i have tried to keep a record of the flora and fauna species seen throughout this 35 acre site and every year a new find takes me by surprise.  The species results collected, so far, show over 80 species of birds, 134 moth species, 28 butterfly species, 12 damsel/dragonfly species, 13 mammal species, over a hundred wildflower species and 37 woody species, as well as countless other small invertebrates, lower plants and fungi. This really shows the diversity of species that can be found in a relatively small area, if you have, or are able to create some ecologically important habitats such as lakes, wetlands, woodlands and boundary habitats etc.  This year i plan on really getting stuck into identifying a lot of the smaller invertebrates as they have been neglected a little over the last few years, so my pooter has been cleaned i have already identified a couple of areas to plant a few pitfall traps and my battered copy of Michael Chinnery, Field Guide to Insects, is back out for another airing.  I have already been fortunate enough to find a couple of interesting species around the park, but my most notable to date was the Hornet Sawfly, Cimbex connatus, that was thought to be the first documented species in Cornwall.  Thanks for taking the time to read this blog and i will try to keep you upto date with how my findings are going and hopefully supply a few pics.

Click url for original Cimbex connatus photo.

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