Sunday 6 February 2011

Porth reservoir

With the winds being what they are, i thought that Porth reservoir might afford some protection from the elements and there may be a few birds to be seen out on the water. Unfortunately i was wrong and the wind was being channelled through the valley and blowing right along the full length of the reservoir. Not a single birds could be seen on the perching posts out on the water and only a handfull of gulls flying could be seen overhead infact the few anglers present outnumbered the birds seen. But a walk along the bank soon disturbed the birds taking refuge in the bankside trees and vegetation. There were approximately 200 Mallard, 50 Coots, 10 Tufted Ducks and a handfull of probable hybrid ducks along with the few gulls.

                       Tufted Duck (Aythya fuligula)
    Mallard and a couple of possible hybridised ducks (any suggestions welcome)
                 A few Coots and Mallards

       Added bonus a small patch of Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) 

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